The Apple Watch Series 3 with LTE Cellular promises to free Apple Watch owners from the shackles of their iPhones. Allowing them to receive notifications, place calls, stream music, and ask Siri on the go while leaving their phone at home. But despite these freedoms the Apple Watch Series 3 with LTE Cellular is still a prisoner. It cannot be used without first being paired to its owner’s iPhone.

This makes the $399+ Apple Watch with LTE Cellular a companion device. Second fiddle to the functionally superior iPhone every Apple Watch owner already choose to put in their pockets. Purchasing an Apple Watch Series 3 with LTE Cellular means you are willing to spend $70 more at checkout and up to $120 annually for the privilege of leaving your $700 iPhone at home. ANd that doesn’t sound like a good deal to me.

But what about exercise? People like to run, play sports, or workout at the gym while leaving their phone at home. To those people I say keep exercising. Your iPhone was never a good fit for exercise, and the Apple Watch with LTE Cellular isn’t one either. Save money and get a better workout without notifications buzzing on your wrist. You didn’t need a wrist phone before, and you don’t need one now.